EDITORIAL COMMENT : At the SCC 2014 Tsilhqot'in versus British Columbia land title decision there remains the continued dilemma of original jurisdiction and the reverse onus principles arising out of the Right of Discovery and the 1613 Two Row Wampum Covenant Chain. The foundational issue is original ignorance of the law; compounded by the terra nullius application. These following comments are structured through the Hohfeldian Theory lens. n.b. [LT GOV BC ABDICATES ROYAL PREROGATIVE DUTY re BCTF v BC at GRIFFIN,J. ][BC Writ].

Namely, the respectful opinion, herein, is that the Supreme Court of Canada is aware of the SqYx submission to the UN Security Council regarding the challenge to its / Canada's jurisdiction claim.
In summary, the 2014 follow-up Canada state nation credentials challenge at the UN will occur prior to the commencement of the September 2014 session sitting - and, was originally submitted specifically in August 2013; as based upon the 1613 legacies and the 2006 Elizabeth II denial of state funded competent independent legal counsel of choice to indigenous children and their families on matters of land titles and post traumatic stress disorders linked to the Stockholm syndrome caused by the Royal Prerogative ordered indigenous children residential and day school victimizations.
Additionally, the Supreme Court of Canada decision possesses no original jurisdiction to hear the Tsilhqot'ìn Nation appeal due to absence of the jurisdiction of the Canada founding fathers to initiate the 1867 Confederation; and, regarding Tsilhqot'ìn Peoples, the absence of any evident justification of the founding of British Columbia; wherein, indigenous Peoples of these said territories did not enter into informed decision-making regarding treaties; and, therefore these said Original indigenous Peoples remain paramount governing parties of their territories bu custom law. 
And, the UN is, therein, compelled by Charter to disallow the membership to Canada; with further sanctions upon Elizabeth II and the United Kingdom for violations per the UN Charter, Chapter VII - illicit military occupancy.

Solicitation of international cooperation to enforce the original, continued paramount governing rights of indigenous Peoples of these Turtle Island territories is active.